Get Ready for Spring Cleaning With Crocheted Scrubbies and Dishcloths
According to my planner, today is the first day of spring. You know what that means: Time for spring cleaning. Uggh.
I don’t much enjoy cleaning, although I sure love it when everything is clean. It’s hard to get motivated to start — but since I never need much prompting to get motivated to crochet, I thought I’d try making some projects that’ll help with the cleaning as well. Sometimes, it’s little things like soft, pretty dishcloths or innovative recycled scrubbies that can make all the difference in whether I ever actually motivate to clean anything.
Hey, whatever works, right?
Are you planning on doing any spring cleaning this year? If you’re going to get to work on it, you might as well have some cute crocheted dishcloths and fun crocheted scrubbies to make your tasks more pleasant enjoyable bearable. If you must clean, (and of course you eventually must, right?) please do help yourself to any of our free patterns for crocheting these types of projects.
Check ‘Em Out:
- Pictured above is an easy, beginner-friendly half double crochet dishcloth pattern. This is a free pattern that is great for beginners to use for learning or practicing the half double crochet stitch, and it’s also a quick, easy and useful pattern for people of any crochet skill level to have on hand.
- How to crochet dishcloths and washcloths
- Kitchen crafts and kitchen crochet patterns
- More useful crochet patterns (If cleaning is not your thing, and if not who can blame you, this link takes you to our main directory featuring many other types of patterns.)
Happy spring cleaning, everyone! And happy crafting…
Posted By: Amy Solovay