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February Garden Journal Pages for the Happy Planner or Other Discbound Planners

Happy February, Crafty Friends! In most of the United States, it’s cold and wintry outside. Even if you’re an avid gardener, gardening might be the last thing on your mind. However, this month is a fantastic time to start planning this coming year’s garden — and making a garden journal to track your gardening successes…

Holiday Scarf Patterns to Crochet: Crochet lovely scarves for Christmas, Valentine's Day and Fourth of July with our free crochet scarf patterns

Valentine-Friendly Fashion Accessories for Winter Weather

I think it’s kind of a bummer that, for those of us in the western hemisphere, Valentine’s Day occurs in one of the coldest months of the year. So when you’re accessorizing for Valentine’s Day, you’re also probably accessorizing for winter weather. Here are a few Valentine-friendly DIY accessories that are also suitable for winter:…

Craft Ideas for the Month of January 2025

Happy New Year, everyone! Are you hoping to find unique, interesting and useful craft ideas for the month of January? There are an overwhelming number of possibilities — so many that I couldn’t even begin to mention them all. However, there are some recurring themes that many crafters find themselves returning to in January. The…

Who’s Hitting the After Christmas Sales?

So, it’s “Boxing Day”: December 26, 2024. You survived another Christmas. WOOHOOOOoooo! Now it’s time for those happysad mixed feelings that come in the wake of the holiday season: “Whew, that’s over and done with!” followed by “phooey, the credit card bills are here already? How’d they get here so fast?” Followed by wave after…

December Crafts

Hey there, creative friend! Are you hoping to find unique, festive, interesting and useful craft ideas that are suitable for making in the month of December? If so, I invite you to consider the following suggestions: Christmas is one of the most popular December holidays on the Gregorian calendar. If you celebrate this holiday, or…