Your Complete Guide to Tie Dye: Find Tie Dye Patterns, Pictures, Project Ideas, Tutorials, Instructions and Ideas — Plus Product Reviews of the Best Fabric Dyes, Tie Dye Kits and More.
FREE Tie Dye Patterns, Instructions, Step-By-Step Tutorials and Ideas
Heart Tie Dye T-Shirt Instructions

Spiral Tie Dye: Free Photo Tutorial and Instructions

Upcycling Clothes Is Easy With Tie Dye Techniques

How To Tie Dye A Stripe

A Butt Ugly Tie Dye T-Shirt: A Case Study of What Not To Do

Product Reviews of Tie Dye Kits and Other Supplies You’ll Need for Tie Dyeing
Jacquard Tie Dye Kit: Fiber Reactive Dyes for Dyeing Fabric, T-Shirts and Clothing

So there you have it: That’s your complete guide to tie dyeing t-shirts, fabrics and other appealing projects. We hope you found these tie dye instructions and product reviews helpful. Thanks so much for your interest!
Over to you: Do you have questions, suggestions or comments about tie dyeing? The floor is open for comments, so we invite you to post your questions and share your experiences with tie dyeing. We appreciate your feedback!
Posted By: Amy Solovay
About the Author: Amy Solovay is a former surface design instructor at California Design College, where she taught surface design classes to fashion design and fashion marketing majors. The tie-dye examples you see on this page were all developed as example projects for the surface design classes she taught. The product reviews are all based on extensive firsthand experience with using the products and teaching others how to use them in a face-to-face, in-person, hands-on classroom environment.
Amy holds a degree in textile design, and she worked in the textile industry for about a decade before transitioning to a career in freelance writing.
This page was last updated on 5-24-2023.