Holiday Craft Pattern Books You Need to Know About for Christmas 2024

The Holiday Season Is Upon Us! Are You Ready to Get Busy Making Holiday Crafts?
Happy November, everyone! Today is November 1, 2024. Halloween is now over and done with, and that means your local retailers are probably putting up their Christmas displays and getting ready for the holiday rush of shoppers.
For those of us planning to make our own Christmas gifts and Christmas decorations, the pressure is on to get it all finished before December 25 rolls around. On the one hand, there’s plenty of time. On the other hand, there’s never enough time — so there’s no time like the present to get moving on your 2024 holiday crafting.
If you need a little inspiration for what to make for the 2024 holiday season, I invite you to check out this list of the best Christmas craft books. These books all have fantastic Christmas project ideas, plus the patterns you can use for making each project.
I’ll highlight a couple of my favorites from the list here in this blog post — but I hope you’ll check out the entire list to find some amazing Christmas knitting books, Christmas crochet books, and other assorted Christmas craft books.
My New Favorite Christmas Crochet Book for 2024: Classic Christmas Crochet
If I had to choose just one Christmas pattern book to work from, it would be a tough choice — but I think this is the one I’d go for.
A couple of reasons:
- First of all, because I think this book is the prettiest of all my current choices. The Christmas ornaments and projects featured are lovely and useful ones;
- and, second, because these projects all work well for either gift-giving or keeping.
Arne & Carlos Favorite Designs: Christmas Gift Knitting Patterns + Everyday Patterns = Huge Winner!

This book is another top favorite that I highly recommend. It’s primarily intended for knitters, but it also includes a sprinkling of crochet and embroidery, too.
This isn’t specifically intended to be a Christmas book, but I have no problem including it on my list of best Christmas books because so much of its contents are Christmas friendly.
The book includes a high number of usable patterns. It also has a fantastic variety of different projects, including Christmas ornaments, toys, slippers and many others. Some of these items are specifically Christmas projects; some of which are projects for other holidays; and some of which are everyday projects that would make fantastic Christmas gifts (or not — you don’t have to give them to anybody, and nobody would blame you for keeping them!).
Learn More About Arne & Carlos Favorite Designs:
Be sure to check out our complete list of the best Christmas craft books HERE!
Do any of these pattern books have knitting patterns in them? I already placed orders for most of the gifts I’m giving to my family this year. But if I have any down time, I’m hoping to knit a few little things like small toys, ornaments and stocking stuffers to give to my grandkids.
Hi Linda! Great question! The books and magazines pictured on this page don’t include any knitting patterns, but I’ve included some fantastic Christmas knitting books on our list of the best Christmas craft books. For the types of patterns you’re looking for, I do have a couple of book recommendations. Arne & Carlos Favorite Designs includes a whole bunch of Christmas-friendly knitting patterns including Christmas tree ornaments, dolls, teddy bears, slippers and other small toys and stocking stuffers (among other things — this book is huge!). Another one you might want to take a look at is Jorid Linvik’s Big Book of Christmas Knits. One of the highlights of that book is a fun advent calendar. There are also patterns for all kinds of gift-worthy items in the book, including some toys.
Also, I haven’t had a chance to personally review it to give you any details, but it looks like Annie’s 2021 Christmas Special Edition does include some knitting patterns. You could take a look at the product page at the publisher’s site for more information on that book.
Love that “Let It Snow” blanket, but I’m not sure my crochet skills are good enough to make it. I’ve never attempted a blanket before. What’s the skill level rating on that one Amy?
Hi Shirley! I hope my email to you went through OK. In case it didn’t, here’s a copy / paste of the relevant part:
In that publication, the publisher’s editorial team is using a rating scale that goes from 1-6; it’s different than the Craft Yarn Council’s skill level rating system. The “Let It Snow” blanket is rated as being a level 4 / intermediate pattern on that scale. For comparison purposes, I believe it would also rate as an intermediate level pattern using the Craft Yarn Council’s skill level rating system.
In general, blankets are relatively easy projects, because they don’t have to fit anyone. A blanket will still be useful even if it turns out a little larger or smaller than you were hoping. I’m convinced that’s one of the main reasons blankets are some of the most popular crochet projects ever.
And, honestly, Shirley, this pattern isn’t rocket science. From what I’ve seen of your crochet work, you’ve advanced enough that you could handle this project. Why not give it a try?
These look great!
I had initially decided not to bother with making any gifts this year. Thought I’d just make it easy on myself and buy everything. Went to the closest shopping center and found that there wasn’t much of anything available to buy. I was only able to find 3 out of the 15 items on my gift list. Looks like the Christmas rush started early around here; other shoppers had already bought out all the stuff that was on sale at a decent price. Guess I’ll have to shop online for the rest, and I’m also changing my mind about maybe making some of my gifts after all. Time to locate my long unused sewing machine and crochet hooks, I guess.
Hi Wendy! Thanks for the comment. Best wishes with your holiday shopping and making, whichever way you decide to proceed.