Collage Art: Reinterpreting Autumn Featuring Spin Art and Painting

“Reinterpreting Autumn” — An Original Collage Painting — (Sold)

Reinterpreting Autumn -- An Original Collage Painting by Amy Solovay

Reinterpreting Autumn — An Original Collage Painting by Amy Solovay

Media: Acrylic Painting, Collage
Dimensions: 9″ x 12″

This piece of collage art is made from a variety of original miniature spin paintings; each one was individually hand-painted. I collaged the pieces together on a piece of plain white Strathmore Bristol board to form the final composition you see here.

My background as a textile designer is definitely evident when you look at this piece; I am fascinated with patterns that repeat. However this piece is unlike any of my fabric designs considering that none of the elements are actually the same; the spirals are similar to each other yet completely different. The color palette was inspired by various upholstery fabric samples in my collection, and the colors are very interior-design-friendly.

Craft Supplies You’ll Need for Creating a Similar Collage Painting:

How to Create Collage Art Like This:

  • Cut small squares of paper to use as surfaces for spin painting.
  • Follow our spin art painting instructions to paint spirals, circles and round designs on the small squares of paper.
  • Tilt the painted designs at an angle and tape them onto a surface of plain white Bristol Board.

More Collage Art Projects to Try:

Learn More About How to Make Collage Art:

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