Welcome to our list of the best crochet shawl pattern books. If you’re interested in crocheting shawls, wraps, stoles or ponchos, this page is an excellent place to find a suitable pattern for your next project. Looking for crochet lace shawls? Filet crochet shawls? Tunisian crochet shawls? Triangle shawls? Stoles? Circular shawls? Beaded shawls? Prayer shawls? Comfort shawls? You’ll find patterns for every imaginable kind of crocheted shawl on the pages of these inspiring crochet books.

1. Poetic Crochet: 20 Shawls Inspired by Classic Poems

Poetic Crochet Shawl Pattern Book by Sara Kay Hartmann, Published by Interweave Press
Poetic Crochet Shawl Pattern Book by Sara Kay Hartmann, Published by Interweave Press

If you’re interested in crocheting dressy shawls that will work well for parties, weddings, New Year’s Eve, prom, formal events, holidays, special occasions and evenings out on the town, Poetic Crochet is exactly the right choice of pattern books. While there are a few shawls included in the book that could also be dressed down to look more casual, the eveningwear styles in this book really steal the show.

There are 20 shawl patterns included in this book. A classic poem inspired each one of the shawls in this book, which makes for an interesting book theme.

2. Crochet Wraps Every Which Way

Crochet Wraps Every Which Way: 18 Original Patterns in 6 Techniques by Tammy Hildebrand, Published by Stackpole Books
Crochet Wraps Every Which Way: 18 Original Patterns in 6 Techniques by Tammy Hildebrand, Published by Stackpole Books

If you want a crochet pattern book featuring nothing but shawls and wraps, Tammy Hildebrand’s book called Crochet Wraps Every Which Way is one possible option to take a look at. You can use the patterns in this book to practice bunches of different crochet techniques while making a variety of shawls, from casual to dressy. This is also a fantastic book to consider if you’re in search of prayer shawl patterns to crochet.

The crochet techniques included in this book are as follows:

  • Hairpin lace crochet
  • Broomstick lace crochet
  • Tunisian crochet
  • Double-ended crochet
  • Crochet motifs
  • Traditional crochet

Outstanding Pattern Collections That Include Shawls and More

Some of the best shawl patterns can be found in books that include other types of patterns as well as shawls. The following are suggestions for a few of our favorites:

3. Delicate Crochet: 23 Light and Pretty Designs for Shawls, Tops and More by Sharon Hernes Silverman

Delicate Crochet Book by Sharon Hernes Silverman, Published by Stackpole Books
Delicate Crochet Book by Sharon Hernes Silverman, Published by Stackpole Books

Delicate Crochet is a pattern book that’s exclusively dedicated to drapey, airy, almost featherweight fashions for ladies. You won’t find any bulky or worsted weight projects in this book; this collection is curated using yarns and threads at the lighter weight of the scale. 8 of the 23 patterns in this book are shawl patterns — and they are truly spectacular ones!

For starters, check out the Berrywine wrap on the front cover of the book. Isn’t it delightful? Can’t you just see making one of these to practically live in — especially during the holiday season?

A few of the other noteworthy shawl patterns in the book include the “Yveline Wrap” by Vashti Braha; the “Gentle Whisper” shawl by Judith Butterworth; the “Peacock Lace Shawl” by Sharon Silverman; the “Damask Rose Wrap” by Katya Novikova; and The “Lotus Wrap” by Katya Novikova. The book also includes patterns for crocheting tops, sweaters, scarves and a variety of other gorgeous clothing and accessory items. You can see pictures of all these projects in my detailed preview of Delicate Crochet..

Where to Buy This Book:

4. Seamless Crochet: Techniques and Motifs for Join-As-You-Go Designs

Seamless Crochet Book by Kristin Omdahl, Published by Interweave Press. This Book Includes a Fantastic Library of Instructions and Patterns for Join-As-You-Go Crochet Motifs.
Seamless Crochet Book by Kristin Omdahl, Published by Interweave Press. This Book Includes a Fantastic Library of Instructions and Patterns for Join-As-You-Go Crochet Motifs.

Are you tired of sewing bunches of crochet motifs together — and weaving in zillions of loose ends? If so, you’ll be delighted to learn about the join-as-you-go technique. Seamless Crochet is the best, most comprehensive resource I’m aware of on the topic of joining crochet motifs seamlessly using the join-as-you-go technique. This is a book you’ll definitely want to add to your crochet library if you want to crochet shawls without having to spend excessive amounts of time finishing them. While there are also other types of patterns included in the book, the shawl patterns are one of the highlights.

This book also includes a DVD with the techniques demonstrated.

Kristin Omdahl is the author of this book, and Interweave is the publisher.

5. Continuous Crochet

Seamless Crochet, mentioned above, proved to be so popular with readers that Interweave and Kristin Omdahl collaborated again to give us a sequel: It’s called Continuous Crochet. This book gives you patterns for crocheting a good chunk of your wardrobe, including sweaters, shawls, wraps, and accessories.

6. Vintage Modern Crochet

Vintage Modern Crochet by Robyn Chachula, Published by Interweave
Vintage Modern Crochet by Robyn Chachula, Published by Interweave

Would you like to crochet lace shawls as well as other garments that look vintage, but are also up-to-date and suitable for wearing in 2021? If so, Vintage Modern Crochet is a crochet pattern book you’ll want to add to your library.

7. Crochet So Fine

Crochet So Fine by Kristin Omdahl, Published by Interweave
Crochet So Fine by Kristin Omdahl, Published by Interweave

The focus of this book: garment and accessory patterns made using fine yarn. This book includes feathery light crochet shawl patterns plus other types of patterns too. Kristin Omdahl is the author, and Interweave is the publisher of this book.

So there you have it: That’s our list of recommendations for 7 of the best crochet shawl pattern books we’ve worked with. We hope you found some fantastic books to add to your crochet library.

Related Resources: Knit Shawl Pattern Books and More

Would you be interested in knitting a shawl or wrap? If so, you might also be interested in the following pages:

Posted By: Amy Solovay

This page was last updated on 7-21-2021.