November Crafts: Fall-Friendly Craft Ideas to Work on This Month

Craft Ideas for the Month of November Happy November, creative friends! As November unfolds here in the USA, it’s obvious that fall is already well underway — and that winter will be here soon. The first day of fall this year was September 23, 2024. If you’re located in the Northern hemisphere, I hope your…


Winter Card Making: Make Delightful Handmade Cards for the Holidays and Beyond

Winter is fast approaching! Are you looking forward to winter card making? I am! Actually, I have already begun making cards to send during the winter holiday season this year. In the Winter season, people typically indulge in baking breads and sweets or having fun with winter sports like sledding, skiing and ice skating. At…

October Crafts: Fall-Friendly Craft Ideas to Work on This Month

Craft Ideas for the Month of October Happy October, creative friends! Autumn is already well underway; the first day of fall this year was September 23, 2024. I hope your fall season got off to a fantastic start. What types of craft projects are you interested in working on this fall? Whether you’re brand new…

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September Crafts: Fall-Friendly Craft Ideas to Work on This Month

Happy September, creative friends! Autumn is upon us! The autumnal equinox determines when the first day of autumn falls; this year, it happens on the morning of September 22, 2024. I hope your fall season is getting off to a fantastic start. What types of craft projects are you interested in working on this fall?…

Decorate a Heart in Red, White and Blue for Fourth of July

There are zillions of different things you can do with crocheted heart shapes. A lot of times, people think of these as being Valentine’s Day craft projects; but the truth is, you can find suitable ways to use them for many other holidays — and for everyday, too. Lets try decorating a crocheted heart shape…