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February Garden Journal Pages for the Happy Planner or Other Discbound Planners

Happy February, Crafty Friends! In most of the United States, it’s cold and wintry outside. Even if you’re an avid gardener, gardening might be the last thing on your mind. However, this month is a fantastic time to start planning this coming year’s garden — and making a garden journal to track your gardening successes…

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April 21st Daily Planner Layout for Happy Planner or Other Discbound Planners

Need ideas for daily planner layouts to use in the month of April? This page gives you an idea of a page layout you could make if you have a need for writing down multiple to-do-list items and reminders that can’t all easily just be lumped into one long list. If you want to break…

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March Garden Journal Pages for Discbound Planners Like Happy Planner, Martha Stewart or Tul

By Amy Solovay Happy March, Creative Friends! Are you planting a garden this spring? If so, what are you planning to plant, and how are you preparing your property for the growing season? Are you starting your own seeds or relying on a nursery to supply starts? To those of you who are busy gardening…

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November Garden Journal Pages for the Happy Planner or Other Discbound Planners

Happy November, Crafty Friends! Did you plant a fall garden this year? Or, if you planted a spring and summer garden, did you enjoy a bountiful harvest? If so, I hope you harvested a satisfying variety of pumpkins, gourds, herbs, flowers, and other crops. Have you been keeping a garden journal to track your gardening…

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October Garden Journal Pages for the Happy Planner or Other Discbound Planners

Happy October, Crafty Friends! Are you planting a fall garden this year? Or, if you planted a spring and summer gardening, are you enjoying a bountiful harvest? Perhaps right about now you’re picking a variety of pumpkins, gourds, and other crops that required a long growing season. To those of you who did plant gardens,…