Uses for Scrap Yarn

A few days ago, a friend asked if he could have some of my yarn and embroidery floss. He doesn’t crochet, knit, sew or cross stitch, so I was puzzled by the request. “What are you going to do with the yarn?” I asked him.He said, “I’m going to use it to tie flies for…


Halloween Crochet Patterns: Halloween is the Ideal Holiday for Beastly Crochet

Brenda K.B. Anderson’s pattern book, Beastly Crochet, wasn’t specifically intended to be a book of Halloween crochet patterns. However, if you celebrate Halloween, October is a great time for crocheting the patterns in the book. That’s because this pattern collection is all Halloween friendly. For example, let’s take the critters on the Beastly Crochet book…