Individuals or manufacturers can create Textiles by taking yarn or thread and knitting, weaving, crocheting, knotting, fulling / felting, tatting or braiding them. The end result of these processes is a textile that could possibly be a fabric, which could be used for sewing clothing, accessories, home furnishings or other finished products; or the textile could itself end up being a finished product, such as a knitted sweater, a handwoven cape, a pictorial tapestry, a tatted collar, or a tufted carpet.

This page is our main directory of information on textiles and textile-related topics. One of the joint owners of this website holds a degree in textile design and spent more than a decade working in the textile industry; after that, she worked in academia teaching textile design and trend forecasting to aspiring fashion designers. So if you’re hoping to learn about textiles from someone who has developed real-world expertise on the topic, we invite you to visit any of the following textile-related pages on our website:

This page was last updated on 1-19-2022.